The Benefits of Keeping Your Cat Indoors

A harness and lead lets former RCR rescue Tenley enjoy the great outdoors from the safety of her own yard.

A harness and lead lets former RCR rescue Tenley enjoy the great outdoors from the safety of her own yard.

Summer has arrived, and after a long winter, most of us are eager to get outside to enjoy the all-too-short season of  sunshine and warmth! Your cat may think it's time to enjoy  the great outdoors too, but before you let him out to bask in the rays, consider these tips on why it's better to keep your cat inside.  

For one thing, the City of Regina has a by-law that prohibits cats from roaming at large.  Cats must be kept indoors or otherwise contained with a harness/ lead or cat enclosure.  If your cat is caught at large, fines may apply.

Your cat also faces many risks outside, including

  • Risk of injury from cars, fight with other animals or toxins like pesticides and antifreeze
  • Exposure to bacteria and viruses, some of which are not covered by routine vaccinations
  • Human cruelty

Another reason to keep your cat inside is songbird preservation.  Cats are natural hunters and if you live in an area where songbirds are plentiful, your cat won't be able to resist the urge to hunt.  There are many toys available to satisfy your cat's urge to hunt.

It's also considerate of your neighbours, who may not like cats as much as you do.  No-one appreciates their garden or carefully tended flower beds being used as a litter box.

Finally, it's not worth the risk that your beloved pet could embark on an adventure and get lost, unable to find his way home.  He may never make his way back to you, even with a microchip or tattoo.  Pets can also be stolen, and sometimes it is for nefarious reasons, such as bait for dog fights or to sell to research labs. 

Tablets offer many stimulating games for cats, and are just one way to keep your cat busy indoors.

Tablets offer many stimulating games for cats, and are just one way to keep your cat busy indoors.

When you consider all the risks, it is much safer to keep your cat indoors, even if he thinks otherwise! Keep your cat busy and active with interactive play and stimulation.  Laser pointers, cat videos,  digital games for cats on your tablet, or a food maze that makes cats work for their food will satisfy your cats urge to hunt and keep him safe at the same time.  

Source: - 7 Reasons to Keep Cats Inside

-Alanna, Regina Cat Rescue

RCR appeals for financial support

Regina Cat Rescue is appealing to the public for donations.

We're overwhelmed with requests from the public to help stray and abandoned cats in their neighbourhoods. But with a decline in donations of nearly $30,000 in 2017 over 2016 - our bank account is empty and we are in the difficult position of being unable to help cats in desperate need.

Our volunteers have been working harder than ever to fund raise. In 2017, our fundraising revenue increased by $14,000 over 2016. But we haven't been able to make up for the considerable decline in donations.

Where does the money go? Our greatest expense is veterinary costs. While some vet clinics support RCR with discounted rates, our veterinary care costs were still over $164,000 in 2017. Increased costs related to distemper also added to the financial strain over the last six months.

The average cost per cat rescued also increased last year - from $337/cat in 2016 to $409/cat in 2017. In response, we increased our adoption fee from $100 to $140, but again, this increase has not been enough to make up for the fall in donations.

Beemer came into RCR care with a severely damaged eye which now needs to be surgically removed.

We are now severely limited in the help we can provide. We have multiple cats waiting for surgeries - like Beemer pictured here who needs enucleation surgery. And with kitten season just around the corner, RCR is in an extremely poor position to help. We ask the public to use our intake form and understand a wait list for help is now in place.

We know that times are tough and money is tight for everyone right now, but we are asking the community to show its generous spirit to help some of Regina's most vulnerable animals.

You can donate today by:

E-transfers sent to Please also email us the answer to the security question so we can accept the funds.

PayPal to donate by debit or credit card. Just follow the donate button:

For cash donations please email us to arrange for a volunteer to pick up the donation.

Cheques can be mailed to:
Regina Cat Rescue
PO Box 33066
Cathedral Postal Outlet
Regina, SK S4T 7X2

Tax receipts are issued for donations of $10 or more. Regina Cat Rescue's legal name is People for Animals of Saskatchewan Inc., and our Charitable Registration Number is #8996 2599 ORR 0001.

On behalf of Regina's abandoned cats and kittens, we thank you for any support you can provide.

Welcome to spring!

Spring arrived this week and it wasn't exactly sunshine, butterflies and blossoms! Fluctuating temperatures, snow, freezing rain, wind - the crazy weather we've been experiencing created some challenges for Regina Cat Rescue volunteers and Regina's cats.

This community cat feeding station flooded as temperatures climbed and the snow from a recent storm began to melt.

Meanwhile, a spring storm was brewing that brought another dump of snow, making things difficult for people and cats alike!

The path to this feeding station is a little bit precarious!

The path to this feeding station is a little bit precarious!

In spring, a young man's thoughts turn to love, but in the cat world that can mean tom cats fighting to establish dominance and woo female cats. This sweet boy is a lover not a fighter and was pretty beat up before a kind citizen scooped during the recent snowstorm.

This little mama was heavily pregnant and stray on the streets. She was scooped from the cold less than 24 hours before she delivered four kittens and narrowly escaped the latest winter storm.

This little mama was heavily pregnant and stray on the streets. She was scooped from the cold less than 24 hours before she delivered four kittens and narrowly escaped the latest winter storm.

If you're coming out of hibernation and want to help out Regina's abandoned cats this spring, now is the time! Donate, volunteer, adopt or foster! And please cross your fingers that we've seen the last of winter!

-Alanna, Regina Cat Rescue